The World of ODP implemented in PHP

Latest Releases | Features | Project tools | Dependencies | Documentation | Credits


phpODPWorld is a program package that enables you to display everything or any category (or categories) from / ODP using the RDF. The package contains:

The package is Free Software licensed under the GNU GPL.
(Copyright (c) 2005 by ODP-editor hansfn and asleo - see credits.)

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The PHP-script has the following features:

You can see phpODPWorld in action on - displaying all of World: Norsk, Kids and Teens: International: Norsk and Regional: Europe: Norway in Norwegian or in English.


The PHP script is fully translatable using gettext and PO-files. The following translations exist:

If you want to make a translation for a new language download the template, translate it and send it to the developer. It will be available on this page and included in the following releases of phpODPWorld.

Read more about gettext and translation tools from the book Guide to localisation.

Project tools

On the phpODPWorld project page you'll find:



Below you'll find installation instructions, a (short) FAQ and a todo list. Any questions should be sent to the mailing list.


  1. Download the phpODPWorld package and unpack it. Move all files/directories to the wanted directory on the web server.
  2. Create the following directories: These directories must be writable by the web server.
  3. Set up your database:
  4. Edit "" and "tools/" to reflect the database settings, your wanted categories and other preferences.
  5. Download the needed RDFs - either the complete content and structure RDF.
  6. Extract your categories from the RDFs using the Perl script "tools/". (At this point you need the Perl module DMOZ-ParseRDF-0.14 installed.)
  7. Insert your categories (from the RDFs) into the database using the Perl scripts "tools/" and "tools/". See "tools/" for a worked out example for multiple categories.
  8. Initial run to update the count (of sites) for each category. Do:
  9. That's it - your site should be ready!

Some other common tasks:


This software is completely new, so any questions haven't been asked yet... However, I'm guessing that someone might ask:

  1. Can the sort order (of links and cats) be modified?
    Yes, you can change the order of, add and remove letters in "". (Remember that the file is UTF-8 encoded.) If you also need to change the sorting for numbers you must edit the functions *_compare_strings in "index.php". Currently the script doesn't ignore numbers and will therefore sort differently from


The speed for inserting and finding count is OK for categories with say 200.000 sites. However, working with all of ODP (3.000.000 sites) is a pain. On a machine with AMD Athlon 1.7 GHz CPU and 256 MB of RAM, inserting RDFs into database took roughly 40 minutes (which is OK), but finding count took 330 minutes. (These numbers doesn't hurt that much if you use two databases.)


The default style, XHTML and CSS, is created by ODP-editor asleo. The PHP-code and support tools in Perl are written by ODP-editor hansfn. He also put all of this together as the phpODPWorld package. The original Perl scripts that are used to insert the RDF into a database, are written by ODP-editor srainwater and is packaged together as odp2db - see Steve's software. (The code used in phpODPWorld is based on version 1.1 of odp2db and is slightly modified.) And of course without the DMOZ-ParseRDF Perl module this would have been much more work...

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Last updated 02.06.2009 22:44 by the developer.